Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Love Quotes

~How many times did I have to cry before you would actually listen.

~So what if I like black it doesn't make me a bad person.

~Things to do today: 1. Get Up 2. Survive 3. Go back to bed

~I don't run from you, I walk away slowly, and it kills me, cause you don't even care enough to stop me.

~Never make someone your everything, cause when they're gone you've got nothing.

~Sorry I just can't be everything you've ever wanted.

~The truth is you could slit my throat and with my last dying breath I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt.

~I was so stupid to think that for one second you actually cared.

~"I love you" is eight letters long but then again so is "bullshit"

~You know you love him when everynight you can't help but cry because you know he's not yours, he's hers.

~I'm not crying over what you said, it's what you didn't say that hurts the most.

~I don't miss you, I miss the person I thought you were.

~They both fell in love with each other and neither wanted to admit it because neither one wanted to ruin their friendship.

~Pain doesn't hurt... when its all you've ever felt.

~I wish I had saved all the tears you made me cry so I could fucking drown you in them.
-love is when you miss him even before he is gone, when you could listen to him all night and not get tired of his voice, when the sound of his name sends chills down your spine, and when you see his smile the second you close your eyes

-love is when you look into someones eyes and see everything you need

-never frown even when your sad you never know who is fallin in love with you smile

-do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from you friends head

-a true friend is someone that reaches for you hand and touches you heart

-friends are like fiddle strings, they must not be screwed to much

-no man is worth tears, and the only one that is will bever make you cry

-love without return is like a question without an answer

-when you find someone whos weirdness is compatible with yours, you join up with then fall into mutual satisfying weirdness- and call it love-true love

-immatue love says "i love you cause i need you" mature love says "i need you cause i love you"

-dance like no one is watchin, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like no one's listenin, live like heaven on earth

-love is like a butterfly, which when pursued is just beyond your grasp, but if you sit down quietly it may allight on you

-i have found many men that do not know how to kiss, but i always fine the time to teach them

-a simply "i love you" means more than money

-seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and im all yours
I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go

Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you want me to, I will

Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met

Love is like the crash of the rhino , if it cant find a way it will make a way.

So long as man remains free, he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find someone to worship.

Man loves little and often: Woman much and rarely.

In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love, you want the other person.

A true man does not need to romance a different girl every night, a true man romances the same girl for the rest of her life.

My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.

To the world you may be someone, but to someone you may be the world.

Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey

When you like someone, you like them in spite of their faults. When you love someone, you love them with their faults.

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

Absence sharpens love, but presence strengthens it.

Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you."

I believe that if I should die, and you were to walk near my grave, from the very depths of the earth I would hear your footsteps.

This is the true measure of love: When we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us.

When you are down, only her love can save you.

Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score; Then to that twenty, add a hundred more: A thousand to that hundred: so kiss on, To make that thousand up a million. Treble that million, and when that is done, Let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun.

Life began after I fell in love with you

The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being even to God, this is love.

You are the answer to every prayer I've said. I couldn't have made you more perfect if I tried. You have become a thief and stolen my heart. Please don't be a vandal and break it.

In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing

If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with a little rain!

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

Time brings a lot of changes my dear and that is really true but one thing never changes that is my love for you.

To lose your love is to have lived a thousand lives, and have them end all at once.

To fear love is to fear life.

Marriage is not living with the person you love, but living with the person you can't live without.

The course of true love never did run smooth.

I would rather have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love.

The speech of someone in love bores everyone except the loved one

You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.

You want to know how great my love is? Count the waves

We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.

If I could have one lifetime wish, one wish that would come true, I'd pray to God with all my heart, for yesterday...and you

If you had one phone call to make before you died, who would you call, what would you say, and why are you WAITING?!"
When I sleep I dream of you, and when I wake I long to hold you in my arms. If anything, our time apart has only made me more certain that I want to spend my nights by your side, and my days with your heart.

All I want is one person. One person to hold me down and force me to say how I really feel about what I have to say. One person to hug me and tell me things will be okay, even if they won't be.

You are the answer to every prayer I've offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don't know how I could live without you for as long as I have. I love you more than you could ever imagine. I always have and I always will.
(The Notebook)

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a month, get married. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.
(Chinese Proverb)

We spend most of our time talking about nothing, but I just want to let you know that all those nothings have meant so much more to me than so many something’s.

It’s scary and confusing, yet exhilarating. I don’t know how to explain it, I guess the easiest way to say it only uses three words: I love you.

You’ve given me reasons to smile, good times to laugh about, but most of all you’ve given me memories I will never forget.

By the world’s standard, you may not be perfect or even close to it. But I love you and to me, you’re as perfect as can be.

Maybe it’s the way you grab my hand and hold it, or the way you kiss me, or maybe it’s the way you put your arms around me. Maybe it’s the way you look at me or the way your smile makes me melt. Maybe it’s the way we can talk on the phone for hours about absolutely nothing at all but it still makes me feel like I had the best conversation of my life.

And when you kissed me that night, I couldn’t help but think that this I exactly what I wanted.

To love someone is to see something that no one else sees.

I can honestly say that I’ve never felt this way about someone before and that’s what really scares me.

Sometimes you feel everything and nothing at all at once. Sometimes you’ll find yourself smiling while missing something at the same time. At times you can absolutely love a person, all the while wanting to hate them. Life comes without guarantees, except that smiling will brighten your face and laughing will enhance your eyes and falling in love will change your life.

After all this time you still have this amazing power to make me feel absolutely crazy every time I see you.

Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers all.

Open your eyes, kid, I’m crazy about you.

There are moments in my life that I’ll always remember, not because they were important, but because you were there.

Don’t question it, just let it happen. If it’s meant to be, it’ll find a way.

I wish I could explain to you how I felt, because every night before I go to bed, you’re all I think about.

I can't promise that I can fix all your problems, but I can promise that you'll never have to go through them alone.

I don't want the world, the sky and the stars. I just want you to like underneath them with me.

When you're down, I may not always be able to pick you up. But I promise I'll always be willing to lay right next to you.

I wish I could bottle up the feeling I get when you smile and keep it forever.

Someday, someone is going to walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anybody else.

Sometimes, when you love something, you just want to be surrounded by it.

It's not what I feel for you, it's what I don't feel for anyone but you.

Sometimes, I still stare at you, amazed and absolutely enchanted. And even though I've held your gaze a thousand times, when you turn to me and give me that silly grin of yours, you still make me blush.

I'm not that good of a person. I make mistakes. I have regrets. I act a lot slower than I really am. I cry. I laugh way too loud when something isn't really that funny. And sometimes the mean things people say about me can really get to me. But, when I'm with you, I found that none of that matters because you make me smile.

It's one of those feelings. The ones where I get the good kind of goose bumps in 90 degree weather. I sit there thinking about you and I can't help but smile whenever I see you. You take my breath away. I'd rather spend the rest of my life, sitting there with you than winning the lottery or becoming famous, because, when I'm with you, I have everything.

I've got a million reasons to leave, but only one that's making me stay. You.

Relationships aren't easy. So much comes with them. No one actually realizes how much trouble a relationship is. It may seem great at first, but are you still going to feel that way when you realize you cannot trust them or when you are fighting with them? Are you going to feel that way in the good times and the bad times? Most likely, you aren't going to. But that's what makes a relationship so amazing. No matter how much you hate that person, if it's true love, it'll always work out.

Relationships are hard, but they're absolutely the most beautiful thing in the world.
(Kate Bosworth)

Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.

There's a reason why people describe love as being "head over heels". You feel like you're completely turned upside down. There's the physical stuff -- your cheeks getting hot, the flutters in your stomach. And then there's the mental madness -- you feel like you're losing your mind because all you can think about is the way they smell, how good it feels when they put their arms around you, or the cute little dimple they get when they smile. When you're with them, there's no other place you'd rather be; when you're not, you can barely wait until you see them again. Love is a total high -- better than eating chocolate, acing a test, or scoring the winning goal.

Love isn't easy; it's damn hard. It makes you go through things that you hoped you would never have to. But the marvelous thing about love is that it's always worth it in the end.

(this is a quotes that i read while i think about someone...)


Akhir2 ini..aku sering ditanyain pertanyaan di atas..."eh, re, kamu mau masuk univ. mana?jurusan ap? aku bingung iki..!!"
kalo ga" eh re, km g daftar kuliah ta? ak dah diterima di univ.x jurusan y lo..!haha..cepetan daftar..!!"...
Dan ada juga temenku yang "abnormal" yang malah bilang begini " eh, re, drpd km susa2 cari univ apa jurusan apa...kamu dftr aj k kelasku.."trus aku yang " polos" menanyakan dengan luguny..dan balasannya" haha ya masuk di rumahku aja..masuk jurusan pembantu rumah tangga..haha..dapat ijazah..hahaha" (semoga yang ngmg kerasa!amin!wkwk)
Sampai detik inipun..masih adaaa aja yang nanyain hal it ke aku..!lewat fb kek. lewat sms kek..bahkn di skul!
Banyak juga yang nany ttg prospek kerja..dan terus terang aja..aku ga ngerti!soalnya..aku sndr bakal kerja dari nol..alias bikin kerjaan sendiri..jadi aku ga tahu menahu ttg ap yg hrs dbthkn u/ menjwb tetek bengek pertanyaan anak2 ttg mampu ga nya diterima di pekerjaan dan seberapa tgg jabatan yang dapat dia raih..
Emang se..meski ak buka usaha sndr..aku jg mesti mikirin it, bwt standar pegawaiku ntar..hehe..tapi setelah pikir2 lagi..pegawaiku hanya memerlukan syarat:
1. mau bekerja
2.tak takut gagal
3.mau usaha
After all..successfull is comes from 99% effort and 1% skill right?..jd mnurutku ada tidaknya bakat kalo uda ngerti cara kinerjanya trus mau mencoba tanpa pantang mnyrh...smuany bisa kompeten dah jadi mitra kerjaku..hehe( mau daftar??)
yah..aku kira semua jurusan di kuliah puny keunggulan pada suatu pekerjaan, tak bisa menilai pekerjaan itu dari seberapa besar uang yang kamu dapatkan, tapi pengalaman apa yang kamu bisa dptkn dr pekerjaan itu..(monay is not so important, because it can't bought an experience)..
Smoga...bagi2 temen2 smua yang skarang ini duduk di kelas 3 sma di seluruh penjuru tanah air ini..aku doakan..semoga kalian dapat menemukan apa yang kalian mau!amin!good luck!^^v